Friday, March 15, 2013

Online Brand Management is a must...

Recently I saw a post on LinkedIn by Jeff Weiner, the CEO at LinkedIn. He retweeted a tweet that originated from @rachelsklar.

This statement is more true today than any other period in time. With over 2.4 billion Internet users1 (35% of the population) and the reach of social media breaking down geographical barriers, brand management online is a must.

After a negative experience customers can ‘name and shame’ organisations to their own social circle via Facebook, they can vent through Twitter and YouTube and share their experiences with the wider community on forums, such as Whirlpool, TripAdvisor, Urbanspoon and InsideTrak.

“Word of mouth marketing (WOMM) has the power to quickly build up or tear down the reputations of products, services and organizations. Although many brand stories are shared offline, word of mouth can also spread very rapidly through social media.”2

We all know in business and in life, accidents happen, mistakes are made. So in a society where tweets; status updates and YouTube clips have the power is go viral, brand management is crucial. When in damage control, customers appreciate their feelings being recognised and the acknowledgement that a mistake has been made. Finding a solution, while having a strong focus on good customer service and a clear and open line of communication between all parties, can minimise damage to an organisation’s brand and stop the spread of negative word of mouth.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dexter Jazz for the comment. We appreciate your feedback.
